Individually, we are one drop.
Together, we are an ocean.
Why ISAC Direct?
At ISAC Direct we have a mission: To connect families seeking top education for their
children to the most suitable independent schools in the UK.
Our go-to platform gives parents maximum choice of schools and schools maximum
opportunities to meet parents. We believe this is the best way to find the right school for
the right child every time.
Getting noticed can be a school’s biggest challenge.
Often the only way to do this is to bombard agents with sales messages and brochures hoping they’ll pass
these on to eager parents.
Don’t more agents mean more exposure? Not always.
Agents targeted by multiple schools become overwhelmed with information. Messages are lost and brochures
get piled up and forgotten about.
When parents ask for information about a school, agents usually offer limited information about a small
selection of schools based on their preferences and personal relationships. Sometimes the interest of the
family is not their main driver.
Why we’re different.
When schools register with us, our team of professional consultants is best placed to
introduce them to as many parents as possible. After assessing their children, we connect
them to every suitable school which is part of our association.
Our website combines the following features:
- marketplace
- showcase
- education consultant
As a marketplace our primary goal is to drive as much relevant traffic to your page as
possible. We give each visitor the chance to make direct contact with you, in fact, we actively
encourage them to do so.
We strive to showcase the very best aspects of every school. Just as a pop-up restaurant
tempts diners, we attract visitors to our site encouraging them to familiarise themselves with
our schools and British education. Initial direct visits to a school’s main website are likely to
be less beneficial for inexperienced or non-English speaking parents.
As an experienced education consultant we help every visitor select the best possible
school and guide them through the entire admissions process.
No school is overlooked, no messages are lost, and we certainly don’t keep a dusty pile of forgotten brochures.
Is the internet your best marketplace?
Not unless you’re willing to pay big money.
A search for ‘UK independent schools’ or other general keywords will throw up thousands of
results. -You’ll undoubtedly be buried somewhere down the list, and the only way to get to
the top is to pay vast fees to the search engine. The more people you want to reach, the
more you have to pay.
High fees are not the only issue. The only search phrase uniquely relevant for any school is
its own name. Anyone searching ‘UK independent school(s)’ is not looking for a specific
school, they are looking for a list of schools, directory etc.
The most successful way for a school to reap the benefits that digital marketing offers is to
be part of a platform which:
- is relevant for General Keywords
- has a large enough budget to cover the majority of online traffic
- is able to organise the process dynamically and transparently
- prioritises its member schools’ interests
We don’t limit your exposure to your budget. We have one budget generated through your
advertising fees which allows us to put you in front of the whole market. Your one fee gives
you maximum audience reach
Education is not an emotional purchase
The journey to a boarding school is not a quick one. It can take months, if not years.
Parents will of course gather information from different sources and will compare many
The cookies on our website will identify the most relevant and interested audiences for each
member school. Once certain conditions are fulfilled, we are able to keep visitors updated
about schools they have shown an interest in by remarketing.
Every message shown about a particular school has been agreed with them in advance. By
having access to a preselected audience, a school can plan and adapt its marketing strategy
for a specific market in advance.
It takes time to build trust and brand awareness. We never stop promoting your school.
The most effective content
As an additional service for schools, we are able to produce high quality video and photo
content adapted for different markets. We are not a typical video production team, but we
can create highly effective content and campaigns, based on our vast experience in
education consultancy. The Mr Oldschool series of videos was produced by our team. Another example of our
work is shown below.
The video was adapted for the Russian-speaking market and has been very well received.
Read also the articles:
Why are schools still struggling for maximum exposure?
The traditional application system is complex with multiple forms, registration fees and
exams. Parents are frequently put off by this, and to save money and time they limit their
school choices from the start. The result: Fewer families reach fewer schools.
We have streamlined the application process and made it simple:
- one application form
- one registration fee
- one set of exams
We promote all suitable schools to interested parents. They are then free to consider as many as
they want.
Our exam is set by an approved third-party examiner and assesses suitability for your
school. Pupils can still sit individual school exams afterwards if you prefer.
ISAC Direct has the answer:
- Traffic streamlined to our site through our targeted and researched digital marketing campaigns .
- Parents channelled to the right school by our effective selection tool.
- Parents given all relevant school information in a concise and easily accessible package.
- Parents wanting more information are directed to the relevant school website.
- Your marketing budget maximised through full exposure for one fee.
- Parents kept updated about their preferred schools during the decision making process.
- Schools provided with detailed reports regarding traffic on the portal
- Schools able to plan their marketing strategy adapted for a specific market in advance
- One registration fee paid to the chosen school.*
- One entrance exam accepted by all schools.**
- Site constantly refreshed with topical articles about the British education system to attract ongoing and wide interest.
- School information is professionally translated into several languages to reach international markets.
- Team of experienced consultants on hand to give help and advice.
- Ongoing support to both families and schools.
We are confident this is the best way to meet the needs of every child and help schools fill
their classes and boarding houses.
What next?
Please contact us at to discuss membership in more detail.
- None of our procedures are automated.
- All clients are offered an expert consultation before being guided through the selection and admissions process.
- We provide continual help and support throughout your child’s time at school.
* There is no need to change or adapt your admission procedure. We charge the highest
registration fee amongst the schools shortlisted. Should the family choose the school with
the highest registration fee, the full amount goes to the school. Should they choose a school
with a lower registration fee, the difference is refunded.
** We use exams set by a reputable third-party examiner. Each school treats exam results
individually. Schools may confirm the offer of a place on the basis of these, or they may
prefer to use them as a pre-assessment and require further tests before offering a place.